Lirik Lagu

Kumpulan Lirik Lagu Populer Saat Ini

Mariah Carey - Emotionless (Feat. Drake)

Mariah Carey - Emotionless (Feat. Drake)

| Lirik Lagu | Mariah Carey - Emotionless (Feat. Drake) |

***Mariah Carey***
You've got me feeling emotions.
Kau membuat aku merasakan emosi-emosi.
Ayy, higher.
Ya, lebih tinggi.
You've got me fe...
Kau membuat aku me...
You, ohhhh...

Don't link me.
Jangan menautkan aku.
Don't hit me when you hear this and tell me your favorite song.
Jangan menelponku saat kau mendengarkan ini dan mengatakan padaku lagu kesukaanmu.
Don't tell me how you knew it would be like this all along.
Jangan katakan padaku betapa kau sudah tau ini akan seperti ini selamanya.
I know the truth is you won't love me until I'm gone.
Aku tau kebenarannya adalah kau tidak akan mencintaiku sampai aku pergi.
And even then the thing that comes after is movin' on.
Dan bahkan kemudian sesuatu datang setelah move on.
I can't even capture the feeling I had at first.
Aku bahkan tidak bisa menangkap perasaan yang dulu aku miliki.
Meetin' all my heroes like seein' how magic works.
(Aku) menemui semua pahlawanku seakan melihat bagaimana sihir bekerja.
The people I look up to are goin' from bad to worse.
Orang-orang yang aku cari akan pergi dari buruk menjadi lebih buruk.
Their actions out of character even when they rehearse.
Tindakan-tindakan mereka keluar dari karakter, bahkan saat mereka melatih ulang.
Workin' in the land of the free, the home of the brave.
(Aku) bekerja di tanah bebas, rumah para pemberani.
I gotta bring my brothers or else I feel out of place.
Aku harus membawa saudara-saudaraku atau aku akan merasa tidak pada tempatnya.
Breakin' speed records on roads that these niggas paved.
Memecahkan rekor-rekor kecepatan di jalanan yang telah diaspal oleh Nigga-Nigga ini.
And they don't like that, it's written all on they face.
Dan mereka tidak suka itu, semua itu tertulis di wajah mereka.
I don't know how I'ma make it out of here clean.
Aku tidak tau bagaimana caranya aku keluar dari sini dengan bersih.
Can't even keep track of who plays for the other team.
(Aku) bahkan tidak bisa melacak siapa yang bermain untuk tim lain.
Iconic duos rip and split at the seams.
Duo ikonik merobek dan membelah pada bekas-bekas luka.
Good-hearted people are takin' it to extremes.
Orang-orang yang baik hati membawa hal itu menjadi ekstrem.
Leavin' me in limbo to question what I believe.
Meninggalkan aku di Tempat Orang Yang Terbuang untuk mempertanyakan apa yang aku percayai.
Leavin' me to ask what's their motive in makin' peace.
Meninggalkan aku untuk bertanya apa motif mereka dalam menciptakan kedamaian.
Leavin' me to not trust anybody I meet.
Meninggalkan aku untuk tidak mempercayai siapapun yang aku temui.
Leavin' me to ask, is there anybody like me?
Meninggalkan aku untuk bertanya, apakah ada orang yang sepertiku?

***Mariah Carey***
You've got me fe...
Kau membuat aku me...
You, ohhhh...
You've got me fe...
Kau membuat aku me...
You, ohhhh, ayy...

Missin' out on my years.
(Aku) meninggalkan tahun-tahunku.
There's times when I wish I was where I was.
Di sana ada saat-saat ketika aku berharap aku masih berada di tempat dulu aku berada.
Back when I used to wish I was here.
Kembali ke saat dulu dimana aku berharap berada di sini.
Missin' out on my days.
(Aku) meninggalkan hari-hariku.
Scrollin' through life and fishin' for praise.
Menggulirkan kehidupan dan memancing demi pujian.
Opinions from total strangers take me out of my ways.
Opini-opini dari orang asing membawaku keluar dari jalanku.
I'm tryna see who's there on the other end of the shade.
Aku mencoba melihat siapa yang ada di ujung keteduhan lainnya.
Most times it's just somebody that's underaged.
Sering kali itu hanya seseorang di bawah umur.
That's probably just alone and afraid.
Itu barangkali hanya kesendirian dan ketakutan.
And lashin' out so that someone else can feel they pain.
Dan mencaci maki sehingga orang lain bisa merasakan rasa sakit mereka.
I always hear people complain about the place that they live.
Aku selalu mendengar orang-orang mengeluh tentang tempat tinggal mereka.
That all the people here are fake and they got nothin' to give.
Semua orang di sini itu palsu dan mereka tidak punya apa-apa untuk diberikan.
'Cause they been starin' at somebody else's version of shit.
Karena mereka menatap sesuatu dari versi orang lain.
That makes another city seem more excitin' than it is.
Itu membuat kota lain tampak lebih menarik dari tempat ini.
I know a girl whose one goal was to visit Rome.
Aku mengenal seorang gadis yang tujuan utamanya adalah untuk mengunjungi Roma.
Then she finally got to Rome.
Lalu dia akhirnya sampai di Roma.
And all she did was post pictures for people at home.
Dan yang dia lakukan hanyalah memposting foto-foto untuk orang-orang di rumah.
'Cause all that mattered was impressin' everybody she's known.
Karena yang terpenting adalah mengesankan semua orang yang dia kenal.
I know another girl that's cryin' out for help.
Aku mengenal gadis lainnya yang berteriak minta tolong.
But her latest caption is "Leave me alone"
Tapi status terbarunya adalah "tinggalkan aku sendiri"
I know a girl happily married 'til she puts down her phone.
Aku mengenal seorang gadis yang berbahagia menikah sampai dia menutup teleponnya.
I know a girl that saves pictures from places she's flown.
Aku mengenal seorang gadis yang menyimpan foto-foto dari tempat dia terbang.
To post later and make it look like she still on the go.
Untuk diposting nanti dan membuatnya terlihat seakan dia masih dalam perjalanan.
Look at the way we live.
Lihatlah cara kami hidup.
I wasn't hidin' my kid from the world.
Aku tidak menyembunyikan anakku dari dunia.
I was hidin' the world from my kid.
Aku menyembunyikan dunia dari anakku.
From empty souls who just wake up and look to debate.
Dari jiwa-jiwa kosong yang baru saja bangun dan melihat perdebatan.
Until you starin' at your seed, you can never relate.
Sampai kau menatap keturunanmu, kau tidak pernah bisa memaparkan.
Breakin' news in my life, I don't run to the blogs.
Berita dalam hidupku, aku tidak lari menuju blog-blog.
The only ones I wanna tell are the ones I can call.
Satu-satunya yang ingin aku ceritakan adalah yang bisa aku hubungi.
They always ask, "Why let the story run if it's false?"
Mereka selalu bertanya, "Mengapa membiarkan cerita berjalan jika itu salah?"
You know a wise man once said nothin' at all.
Kau tau seorang yang bijak tidak mengatakan apa-apa sama sekali.
I'm exhausted and drained, I can't even pretend.
Aku telah lelah dan kehabisan tenaga, aku bahkan tidak bisa berpura-pura.
All these people takin' miles when you give 'em an inch.
Orang-orang ini mengambil Mil saat kau memberikan Inci pada mereka.
All these followers but who gon' follow me to the end?
Semua pengikut ini, tapi siapa yang akan mengikutiku sampai akhir?
I guess I'll make it to the end and I'ma find out then.
Kurasa aku akan melakukannya sampai akhir dan aku akan mengetahuinya.

***Mariah Carey***
You've got me fe...
Kau membuat aku me...
You, ohhhh, ayy...
Higher, higher.
Lebih tinggi, lebih tinggi.
You've got me fe...
Kau membuat aku me...
You, ohhhh, ayy...
Higher, higher.
Lebih tinggi, lebih tinggi.

Lirik Lagu | Mariah Carey Feat. Drake - Emotionless |
"Lirik Lagu Mariah Carey - Emotionless"
Penyanyi: Mariah Carey & Drake
Lagu: Emotionless
Album: Scorpion
Rilis: 2018
Drake - Emotionless

Drake - Emotionless

| Lirik Lagu | Drake - Emotionless |

***Mariah Carey***
You've got me feeling emotions.
Kau membuat aku merasakan emosi-emosi.
Ayy, higher.
Ya, lebih tinggi.
You've got me fe...
Kau membuat aku me...
You, ohhhh...

Don't link me.
Jangan menautkan aku.
Don't hit me when you hear this and tell me your favorite song.
Jangan menelponku saat kau mendengarkan ini dan mengatakan padaku lagu kesukaanmu.
Don't tell me how you knew it would be like this all along.
Jangan katakan padaku betapa kau sudah tau ini akan seperti ini selamanya.
I know the truth is you won't love me until I'm gone.
Aku tau kebenarannya adalah kau tidak akan mencintaiku sampai aku pergi.
And even then the thing that comes after is movin' on.
Dan bahkan kemudian sesuatu datang setelah move on.
I can't even capture the feeling I had at first.
Aku bahkan tidak bisa menangkap perasaan yang dulu aku miliki.
Meetin' all my heroes like seein' how magic works.
(Aku) menemui semua pahlawanku seakan melihat bagaimana sihir bekerja.
The people I look up to are goin' from bad to worse.
Orang-orang yang aku cari akan pergi dari buruk menjadi lebih buruk.
Their actions out of character even when they rehearse.
Tindakan-tindakan mereka keluar dari karakter, bahkan saat mereka melatih ulang.
Workin' in the land of the free, the home of the brave.
(Aku) bekerja di tanah bebas, rumah para pemberani.
I gotta bring my brothers or else I feel out of place.
Aku harus membawa saudara-saudaraku atau aku akan merasa tidak pada tempatnya.
Breakin' speed records on roads that these niggas paved.
Memecahkan rekor-rekor kecepatan di jalanan yang telah diaspal oleh Nigga-Nigga ini.
And they don't like that, it's written all on they face.
Dan mereka tidak suka itu, semua itu tertulis di wajah mereka.
I don't know how I'ma make it out of here clean.
Aku tidak tau bagaimana caranya aku keluar dari sini dengan bersih.
Can't even keep track of who plays for the other team.
(Aku) bahkan tidak bisa melacak siapa yang bermain untuk tim lain.
Iconic duos rip and split at the seams.
Duo ikonik merobek dan membelah pada bekas-bekas luka.
Good-hearted people are takin' it to extremes.
Orang-orang yang baik hati membawa hal itu menjadi ekstrem.
Leavin' me in limbo to question what I believe.
Meninggalkan aku di Tempat Orang Yang Terbuang untuk mempertanyakan apa yang aku percayai.
Leavin' me to ask what's their motive in makin' peace.
Meninggalkan aku untuk bertanya apa motif mereka dalam menciptakan kedamaian.
Leavin' me to not trust anybody I meet.
Meninggalkan aku untuk tidak mempercayai siapapun yang aku temui.
Leavin' me to ask, is there anybody like me?
Meninggalkan aku untuk bertanya, apakah ada orang yang sepertiku?

***Mariah Carey***
You've got me fe...
Kau membuat aku me...
You, ohhhh...
You've got me fe...
Kau membuat aku me...
You, ohhhh, ayy...

Missin' out on my years.
(Aku) meninggalkan tahun-tahunku.
There's times when I wish I was where I was.
Di sana ada saat-saat ketika aku berharap aku masih berada di tempat dulu aku berada.
Back when I used to wish I was here.
Kembali ke saat dulu dimana aku berharap berada di sini.
Missin' out on my days.
(Aku) meninggalkan hari-hariku.
Scrollin' through life and fishin' for praise.
Menggulirkan kehidupan dan memancing demi pujian.
Opinions from total strangers take me out of my ways.
Opini-opini dari orang asing membawaku keluar dari jalanku.
I'm tryna see who's there on the other end of the shade.
Aku mencoba melihat siapa yang ada di ujung keteduhan lainnya.
Most times it's just somebody that's underaged.
Sering kali itu hanya seseorang di bawah umur.
That's probably just alone and afraid.
Itu barangkali hanya kesendirian dan ketakutan.
And lashin' out so that someone else can feel they pain.
Dan mencaci maki sehingga orang lain bisa merasakan rasa sakit mereka.
I always hear people complain about the place that they live.
Aku selalu mendengar orang-orang mengeluh tentang tempat tinggal mereka.
That all the people here are fake and they got nothin' to give.
Semua orang di sini itu palsu dan mereka tidak punya apa-apa untuk diberikan.
'Cause they been starin' at somebody else's version of shit.
Karena mereka menatap sesuatu dari versi orang lain.
That makes another city seem more excitin' than it is.
Itu membuat kota lain tampak lebih menarik dari tempat ini.
I know a girl whose one goal was to visit Rome.
Aku mengenal seorang gadis yang tujuan utamanya adalah untuk mengunjungi Roma.
Then she finally got to Rome.
Lalu dia akhirnya sampai di Roma.
And all she did was post pictures for people at home.
Dan yang dia lakukan hanyalah memposting foto-foto untuk orang-orang di rumah.
'Cause all that mattered was impressin' everybody she's known.
Karena yang terpenting adalah mengesankan semua orang yang dia kenal.
I know another girl that's cryin' out for help.
Aku mengenal gadis lainnya yang berteriak minta tolong.
But her latest caption is "Leave me alone"
Tapi status terbarunya adalah "tinggalkan aku sendiri"
I know a girl happily married 'til she puts down her phone.
Aku mengenal seorang gadis yang berbahagia menikah sampai dia menutup teleponnya.
I know a girl that saves pictures from places she's flown.
Aku mengenal seorang gadis yang menyimpan foto-foto dari tempat dia terbang.
To post later and make it look like she still on the go.
Untuk diposting nanti dan membuatnya terlihat seakan dia masih dalam perjalanan.
Look at the way we live.
Lihatlah cara kami hidup.
I wasn't hidin' my kid from the world.
Aku tidak menyembunyikan anakku dari dunia.
I was hidin' the world from my kid.
Aku menyembunyikan dunia dari anakku.
From empty souls who just wake up and look to debate.
Dari jiwa-jiwa kosong yang baru saja bangun dan melihat perdebatan.
Until you starin' at your seed, you can never relate.
Sampai kau menatap keturunanmu, kau tidak pernah bisa memaparkan.
Breakin' news in my life, I don't run to the blogs.
Berita dalam hidupku, aku tidak lari menuju blog-blog.
The only ones I wanna tell are the ones I can call.
Satu-satunya yang ingin aku ceritakan adalah yang bisa aku hubungi.
They always ask, "Why let the story run if it's false?"
Mereka selalu bertanya, "Mengapa membiarkan cerita berjalan jika itu salah?"
You know a wise man once said nothin' at all.
Kau tau seorang yang bijak tidak mengatakan apa-apa sama sekali.
I'm exhausted and drained, I can't even pretend.
Aku telah lelah dan kehabisan tenaga, aku bahkan tidak bisa berpura-pura.
All these people takin' miles when you give 'em an inch.
Orang-orang ini mengambil Mil saat kau memberikan Inci pada mereka.
All these followers but who gon' follow me to the end?
Semua pengikut ini, tapi siapa yang akan mengikutiku sampai akhir?
I guess I'll make it to the end and I'ma find out then.
Kurasa aku akan melakukannya sampai akhir dan aku akan mengetahuinya.

***Mariah Carey***
You've got me fe...
Kau membuat aku me...
You, ohhhh, ayy...
Higher, higher.
Lebih tinggi, lebih tinggi.
You've got me fe...
Kau membuat aku me...
You, ohhhh, ayy...
Higher, higher.
Lebih tinggi, lebih tinggi.

Lirik Lagu | Drake - Emotionless |
"Lirik Lagu Drake - Emotionless"
Penyanyi: Drake
Lagu: Emotionless
Album: Scorpion
Rilis: 2018
Jay-Z - 4:44

Jay-Z - 4:44

| Lirik Lagu | Jay-Z - 4:44 |

***Kim Burrell***
Do I find it so hard
When I know in my heart
I'm letting you down everyday
Letting you down everyday
Why do I keep on running away?

Look, I apologize, often womanize
Took for my child to be born
See through a woman's eyes
Took for these natural twins to believe in miracles
Took me too long for this song
I don't deserve you, I harass you out in Paris
"Please come back to Rome"
You make it home
We talked for hours when you were on tour
"Please pick up the phone, pick up the phone"
Said: "Don't embarrass me," instead of "Be mine"
That was my proposal for us to go steady
That was your 21st birthday, you mature faster than me
I wasn't ready, so I apologize
I've seen the innocence leave your eyes
I still mourn this death, I apologize for all the stillborns
'Cause I wasn't present, your body wouldn't accept it
I apologize to all the woman whom I
Toyed with you emotions because I was emotionless
I apologize 'cause at your best you are love
And because I fall short of what I say I'm all about
Your eyes leave with the soul that your body once housed
And you stare blankly into space
Thinkin' of all the time you wasted in on all this basic shit
So I apologize

***Hannah Williams***
I'm never gonna treat you
Never gonna treat you like I should

I apologize, our love was one for the ages and I contained us
And all this ratchet shit and we more expansive
Not meant to cry and die alone in these mansions
Or sleep with our back turned
We're supposed to vacay 'til our backs burn
We're supposed to laugh 'til our hearts stops
And then we in a space where the dark stops
And lets love light the way
Like the men before me, I cut off my nose to spite my face
I never wanted another woman to know
Something about me that you didn't know
I promised, I cried, I couldn't hold
I suck at love, I think I need a do-over
I will be emotionally available if I invited you over
I stew over
What if?
You over
My shit?

***Hannah Williams***
I'm never gonna treat you
Never gonna treat you like I should

And if my children knew, I don't even know what I would do
If they ain't look at me the same
I would prob'ly die with all the shame
"You did what with who?"
What good is a ménage à trois when you have a soulmate?
"You risked that for Blue?"
If I wasn't a superhero in your face
My heart breaks for the day I had to explain my mistakes
And the mask goes away and Santa Claus is fake
And you go online and see
For Blue's tooth, the tooth fairy didn't pay

***Hannah Williams***
I'm never gonna treat you like I should

Lyrics | Jay-Z - 4:44 |
"Jay-Z - 4:44"
Penyanyi: Jay-Z
Lagu: 4:44
Album: 4:44
Rilis: 2017

Motionless in White - Necessary Evil (Feat. Jonathan Davis)

Motionless in White - Necessary Evil (Feat. Jonathan Davis)

| Lirik Lagu | Motionless in White - Necessary Evil (Feat. Jonathan Davis) |

Strip off the weight of morality and check it at the toll
I'll show you the worst in me (what I've become)
Blow out the candles, I need not a wish for I am everything
Now crawl to my boots and lick (kneel before me)

Imma have my cake and fucking eat you too

It's my party and I'll die when I want to
Die when I want to, die when I want to
The monster you've made is wearing the crown
I'll be the king and you'll be the clown
I'll take the blame, parade it around
You've made me the villain you can't live without

Reciting violence like poetry, no, you can't sit with us
Too fashionably plain (now say my name)
Forget everything you think you knew of who I used to be
I look much better as... as the enemy

Imma have my fucking cake and eat yours too

It's my party and I'll die when I want to
Die when I want to, die when I want to
The monster you've made is wearing the crown
I'll be the king and you'll be the clown
I'll take the blame, parade it around
You've made me the villain you can't live without

I want you low

I won't let you die
Keep you alive
Just to remind you of what you are not

It's my party, I'll die when I want to
You wanna see me fail, but I won't die for you

It's my party and I'll die when I want to
Die when I want to, die when I want to
The monster you've made is wearing the crown
I'll be the king and you'll be the clown
It's my party and I'll die when I want to
Die when I want to, die when I want to

I want you low

Imma have my cake and fucking eat you too

Lyrics | Motionless in White Feat. Jonathan Davis - Necessary Evil |
"Lirik Lagu Necessary Evil"
Penyanyi: Motionless in White & Jonathan Davis
Lagu: Necessary Evil
Album: Graveyard Shift
Rilis: 2017

Motionless in White - Not My Type: Dead As Fuck 2

Motionless in White - Not My Type: Dead As Fuck 2

| Lirik Lagu | Motionless in White - Not My Type: Dead As Fuck 2 |

She's got no soul, heart black as coal
She's from Hollywood Forever, dug her out of a hole
And here we go again, spinnin' me in her web
She said "there's just no rest for the queen of the dead"

There's just no rest for the queen of the dead
There's just no rest for the queen...

Another trick to treat her with candy apple dreams
Gonna rot her teeth cause I'm so sweet
One lick to rule them all
They crumble as they crawl

She loves me cause I like to give head like a zombie
Eat, eat, eat till her insides are on me
She loves me cause I give head like a zombie
Eat, eat, eat, and nobody's gonna stop me
And in the glow of the pale moonlight
She goes for a spin on my haunted hayride
Tried out the living but I don't believe the hype
Cause if she's got a pulse then she's not my type
Yeah, if she's got a pulse then she's not my type, yeah

If she's got a pulse then she's not my type, yeah
If she's got a pulse, if she's got a pulse

She's got a temper in stock, made of hemlock
Uses absinthe as a lip gloss
Death hawk, fresh New Rock's
She'll use your corpse as a catwalk

She'll use your corpse as a catwalk
She'll use your corpse

She loves me cause I like to give head like a zombie
Eat, eat, eat till her insides are on me
She loves me cause I give head like a zombie
Eat, eat, eat, and nobody's gonna stop me
And in the glow of the pale moonlight
She goes for a spin on my haunted hayride
Tried out the living but I don't believe the hype
Cause if she's got a pulse then she's not my type
If she's got a pulse then she's not my type

She'll use your corpse as a catwalk
Plays truth or dare in the mirror
Uses absinthe as a lip gloss
Undead, but won't shed a tear

She's my graveyard baby
She's my...

She loves me cause I like to give head like a zombie
Eat, eat, eat till her insides are on me
She loves me cause I give head like a zombie
Eat, eat, eat, and nobody's gonna stop me
And in the glow of the pale moonlight
She goes for a spin on my haunted hayride
Tried out the living but I don't believe the hype
Cause if she's got a pulse then she's not my type
If she's got a pulse then she's not my type

If she's got a pulse then she's not my...

Lyrics | Motionless in White - Not My Type: Dead As Fuck 2 |
"Not My Type: Dead As Fuck 2"
Penyanyi: Motionless in White
Lagu: Not My Type: Dead As Fuck 2
Album: Graveyard Shift
Rilis: 2017

Motionless in White - The Ladder

Motionless in White - The Ladder

| Lirik Lagu | Motionless in White - The Ladder |

Isn't that what everyone wants to know
Pretty new girl walks into a room, everyone's head turns
Looks her up and down wondering who's she fucking
Who could she fuck
And how high could she climb
And is it higher than me

Tragedy, a poisonous lover
You infiltrate to destroy
Vanity, a cancer unforgiving
A charlatan with poise

Fool me once, enough is enough
Was I more than a step on your way up?
Hollowed out, I've no semblance of love
Now you're just somebody that I used to fuck
(Now you're just somebody that I used to fuck)

Lest we learn, the tables turn
So I'm betting out, I'm betting out
You can be the prey in your masquerade
But I'm getting out, I'm getting out

There's nothing left to repair

Ravenous, self-righteous, and lurid
But how much more till you break?
Scavenger, so fucking undeserving
You slither in just to take what you can take

Counterfeit, I'm calling your bluff
Was I more than just a step on your way up?
Now you'll burn and your flesh out of luck
Now you're just somebody that I used to fuck
(Now you're just somebody that I used to fuck)

Lest we learn, the tables turn
So I'm betting out, I'm betting out
You can be the prey in your masquerade
But I'm getting out, I'm getting out
Against insight I fed your source of revenue
But now, it means nothing to me to mean anything to you
It means nothing

Open grave, I was too blind to see
That "love", spelled to you is

You fuck your way up the ladder
Going down on your way to the top
Do your arms ever tire?
Or do they heal while you climb with your mouth?
Delete everything
Sever the yearning, you can keep the fucking ring
Delete everything
You can keep the fucking ring

Lest we learn, the tables turn
So I'm betting out, I'm betting out
You can be the prey in your masquerade
But I'm getting out
Against insight I fed your source of revenue
But now, it means nothing to me to mean anything to you
Nothing left to repair

Lyrics | Motionless in White - The Ladder |
"Lirik lagu The Ladder"
Penyanyi: Motionless in White
Lagu: The Ladder
Album: Graveyard Shift
Rilis: 2017

Motionless in White - Untouchable

Motionless in White - Untouchable

| Lirik Lagu | Motionless in White - Untouchable |

They try to bend, they try to break me by design
But I am the nightmare that will haunt you in the light
If it's war that you want, then I'm ready to play
And the world's gonna know my name
Know my name
Know my name
Know my

Through everywhere that I go
Every failure I've owned
Every crack in my bones
I'm untouchable
Like a sleeping grenade
Built to blow you away
Pull the pin I explode
I'm untouchable

I'm untouchable
I'm untouchable
I'm untouchable

Born of the ground I dug myself out from the dirt
With every scar I will avow to shake the Earth
Unless it's blood that you want, get the fuck out my way
Cause the world's gonna scream my name
Scream my name
Scream my name
Scream my

Through everywhere that I go
Every failure I've owned
Every crack in my bones
I'm untouchable
Like a sleeping grenade
Built to blow you away
Pull the pin I explode
I'm untouchable

I will never be silenced
I will eclipse the pain

You can't let it go
The price that we pay
But I own the grave from which I came
You reap what you sow
We don't bleed the same
Cause I own the rights to my own fate
And I'll sleep like a king on my deathbed

Through everywhere that I go
Every failure I've owned
Every crack in my bones
I'm untouchable
Like a sleeping grenade
Built to blow you away
Pull the pin I explode
I'm untouchable

Every mile from home
Every failure I've owned
Every crack in my bones
I'm untouchable
Like a sleeping grenade
Built to blow you away
Pull the pin I explode
I'm untouchable

I'm untouchable
I'm untouchable
I'm untouchable
I'm untouchable

Lyrics | Motionless in White - Untouchable |
"Lirik lagu Untouchable"
Penyanyi: Motionless in White
Lagu: Untouchable
Album: Graveyard Shift
Rilis: 2017

Motionless in White - Rats

Motionless in White - Rats

| Lirik Lagu | Motionless in White - Rats |

Well Mrs. Pharmacist, I insist
Fix me up with something quick
I've been a bad little boy
And I think I'm getting sick
Sick to the bone, slave to the flesh
Better put on my Sunday's best
I've been a bad little boy, little boy

I've got a dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty little secret
And I'm not, not, not sure that I, I wanna keep it
So we feed ourselves lies to submit to the shadows
Cause we just wanna dance under our pretty perfect halos

Everyone's got a secret
(What's yours? What's yours?)
Don't be shy, I'll never repeat it

Oh Mrs. Pharmacist, If I resist
Lock me up and bind my wrists
You've been a bad little girl, little girl
Close your eyes and listen close
I know just how much you love it
If you speak you lose your turn
So shut your mouth before I fuck it

I've got a dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty little secret
And I'm not, not, not sure that I, I wanna keep it
So we feed ourselves lies to submit to the shadows
Cause we just wanna dance under our pretty perfect halos

Everyone's got a secret
Tell me all about yours

Love. Hate.
Oh, how we play the game
Cold soul
No sense of self control
Love. Hate.
Unsure to pass or play
Cold soul, now we're out of control

Roses are red and my heart is black
We creep about the floor to indulge like rats
Enraptured, we walk to nurse our obsession
Cause the roles that we play are paved with cruel intentions

Well Mrs. Pharmacist
If you insist

I've got a dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty little secret
And I'm not, not, not sure that I, I wanna keep it
So we feed ourselves lies to submit to the shadows
And I just wanna shake you by your little perfect fucking halo

Everyone's got a secret
(What's yours? What's yours?)
Don't be shy, I'll never repeat it

Lyrics | Motionless in White - Rats |
"Motionless in White - Rats"
Penyanyi: Motionless in White
Lagu: Rats
Album: Graveyard Shift
Rilis: 2017

Motionless in White - Soft

Motionless in White - Soft

| Lirik Lagu | Motionless in White - Soft |

You're mine, motherfucker!

Let me begin, envy's a sin
You'll have to find new words to invent
Cause I've heard your broken record
And I'm not impressed

I love when you talk, I just use it to drive me
I won't let your judgement define me
I'm not broken, so don't fix me
I want you to hate me

Tell me what you've lost, hang me on your cross
If you're so wise, then why are you so soft?
Do you leave your "throne" as you cast your stones?
I'm above living under your microscope

You're mine, motherfucker!

I'm insane, I'm "insane in the membrane"
I wanna fuck your face with a switchblade
I'm not broken, so don't fix me
I'll leave you behind me

Internet killed the video star
Internet killed the video star

Tell me what you've lost, hang me on your cross
If you're so wise, then why are you so soft?
Do you leave your "throne" as you cast your stones?
I'm above living under your microscope

Cry baby, cry baby
Did I just hear you whimper?
Cry baby, cry
Suck my middle fucking finger!

Cry baby, cry baby
What have you done lately?
Cry baby, cry baby
What have you done?

Tell me what you've lost, demonize my flaws
Do they call you when dumb needs a mascot?
Do you leave your "throne" as you cast your stones?
I'm above living under your microscope

You dilate
God of your existence
Begging me to listen
While you "pray"
Swallow in vain
Silver spoon religion
Closer from a distance

You're mine, motherfucker!

Cry baby, cry baby
Cry baby, cry baby

You're mine, motherfucker!

Lyrics | Motionless in White - Soft |
"Motionless in White - Soft"
Penyanyi: Motionless in White
Lagu: Soft
Album: Graveyard Shift
Rilis: 2017

Motionless in White - Queen For Queen

Motionless in White - Queen For Queen

| Lirik Lagu | Motionless in White - Queen For Queen |

If you wanna soar with vultures, you'll have to swallow bone
The saint charade is over, plastic royalty exposed
You wanna play the victim to preach upon your throne
No semblance of virtue as your relevance erodes

We go queen for queen and move just like this

When you fall down will you back out
As you crawl through life with no crown
Though you preach love, you package lies
Just a pawn in a king's disguise

I never said I'm perfect, there's a guilt behind these eyes
So check me if it helps you fall asleep at night
Your skeletons are building, you closet's getting tight
Are you the prey or spider in the web of all your lies?

When you fall down will you back out
As you crawl through life with no crown
Though you preach love, you package lies
Just a pawn in a king's disguise

Don't stop breathing in the chemicals
You don't know humble though you play the role
Pockets of evergreen are your amphetamine
Please stop feeding what you can't control

You'll fall

You'll bend, you'll break, trip over your "fame"
Be careful, or you'll run your mouth off your face

When you fall down will you back out
As you crawl through life with no crown
Though you preach love, you package lies
Just a pawn in a king's disguise

Don't stop breathing in the chemicals
You don't know humble though you play the role
Pockets of evergreen are your amphetamine
Please stop feeding what you can't control

Lyrics | Motionless in White - Queen For Queen |
"Lirik Lagu Queen For Queen"
Penyanyi: Motionless in White
Lagu: Queen For Queen
Album: Graveyard Shift
Rilis: 2017

Motionless in White - Voices

Motionless in White - Voices

| Lirik Lagu | Motionless in White - Voices |

Voices in my head again
Trapped in a war inside my own skin
They're pulling me under

I've swallowed myself but the fever remains
I'm numb to the pleasure but still feel the pain
If I showed you my soul would you cover your eyes?
If I told you the truth would you dare me to lie?

I keep it all inside because I know the man is everything but kind

Voices in my head again
Baiting me in a war I can't win
I can hear them now
Trapped in a game inside my own skin
And I don't know myself anymore
They're pulling me under


As I walk through this valley of shadows and death
I curse not the wicked, I praise not the blessed
If I told you the truth, you'd beg me to change
If fear were a currency, you'd own the bank

Voices in my head again
Baiting me in a war I can't win
I can hear them now
Trapped in a game inside my own skin
And I don't know myself anymore
They're pulling me under


I don't want to live
So callous and frozen
Ugly and hopeless
I don't want to live forever
I just want to live right now
You can't take it from me

Voices in my head again
Head again

Voices in my head again
Baiting me in a war I can't win
I can hear them now
Trapped in a game inside my own skin
And I don't know myself anymore
They're pulling me under

(They're pulling me under)
They're pulling me under


I keep it all inside because I know the man is everything but kind
I keep it all inside because I know the man is everything but kind

Lyrics | Motionless in White - Voices |
"Motionless in White - Voices"
Penyanyi: Motionless in White
Lagu: Voices
Album: Graveyard Shift
Rilis: 2017

Motionless in White - Loud (Fuck It)

Motionless in White - Loud (Fuck It)

| Lirik Lagu | Motionless in White - Loud (Fuck It) |

You gotta be loud
You gotta be rude
So the world can hear you
You gotta be crass
You gotta be cold
It’s everything we know
Turn it up, turn it up now!

Another day, a double shot of hate
Drink it up like gasoline
Underpaid, you graduate
To build somebody else’s dream

With a noose as a tie…
Do you fantasize of a much different life?
The fix for who they want you to be
Directly streamed to your TV

And when they turn their backs on you…

You gotta be loud
You gotta be rude
So the world can hear you
You gotta be crass
You gotta be cold
It’s everything we know
Turn it up, turn it up now
When nobody hears you
You gotta stand up
You gotta commit
Say “Fuck It”, make the best of it

A broken home you’re trying to mend
You’ve got one day left to pay the rent
We’re not sure, but we believe in the lie…
That it’ll all be fine, when we die

It’s so easy to grant the mirror
Power to control what you want to erase
Don’t become another victim
“Put a smile on that face”

You gotta be loud
You gotta be rude
So the world can hear you
You gotta be crass
You gotta be cold
It’s everything we know
Turn it up, turn it up now
When nobody hears you
You gotta stand up
You gotta commit
Say “fuck it”, make the best of it

The money’s in the treatment, baby, not in the cure
So they fuel your pain with fear and shame and then hand you a brochure
The money’s in the treatment, baby, not in the cure
So they build you up to watch you fall and then beg for an encore

What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?

You gotta be...

You gotta be loud
You gotta be rude
So the world can hear you
You gotta be crass
You gotta be cold
It’s everything we know
Turn it up, turn it up now
When nobody hears you
You gotta stand up
You gotta commit
Say “fuck it”, make the best of it

Make the best of it
Fuck it, what are you waiting for?
Another day, a double shot of hate
It’s everything we know
Drink it up like gasoline
Fuck it, make the best of it

Lyrics | Motionless in White - Loud (Fuck It) |
"Lirik Lagu Loud (Fuck It)"
Penyanyi: Motionless in White
Lagu: Loud (Fuck It)
Album: Graveyard Shift
Rilis: 2017

Motionless in White - 570

Motionless in White - 570

| Lirik Lagu | Motionless in White - 570 |


Burn it down, brick by brick. Made in 2006
Lost and found, losing grip, I needed this
Question me not, for I gave up everything.
Forget me not, cause I’ve not forgotten what this means.

Strip me down, tear me apart, you’ll find one theme left.
No sign of stopping till my veins rust.
Strip me down, tear me apart, you’ll find one thing left.
I fucking know where I came from.

...And nothing can replace those lessons learned,
As I stood with my brothers on the side of the road.
No longer haunted by the skeletons.
No longer haunted by the past.

For so long, it’s all I’ve known
I’m crossing over the undertow.
For so long no one was listening
Determined to make their deaf ears ring.

Miles repeat. My worst enemy... is me.
But then 4 soon became 6
To shatter the canvas

Handed nothing. Loss, pulling the strings
Outlived the dead trends
United by distance

For so long, it’s all I’ve known
I’m crossing over the undertow.
For so long no one was listening
Determined to make their deaf ears ring.

I've been to hell and back, with no promise of return.
So I made friends with fire, to keep from getting burned.
No money, no sleep. Dedication
10 years on the road this is sacred.
And when I’m facing a wall, I do not quit.
...Cause if you mean it, you will make it.

Pulled apart in a world so demanding.
I’m still here, still standing
I’ve sweat blood from Stockholm to Scranton
Still here, still standing.

You can always rinse the surface, but the stain will remain.

For so long, it’s all I’ve known
I’m crossing over the undertow.
For so long no one was listening
I did my time.

You live, you learn, you defy the terms, but this house will be my home.
Beguiled, betrayed, it’s the price we pay, as trust will be our tomb.

If you mean it, you'll make it...


Lyrics | Motionless in White - 570 |
"Lirik Lagu Motionless in White - 570"
Penyanyi: Motionless in White
Lagu: 570
Album: Graveyard Shift
Rilis: 2017

Motionless in White - Hourglass

Motionless in White - Hourglass

| Lirik Lagu | Motionless in White - Hourglass |

I've watched the whole world drowning in chemicals
Dissociative but it takes its toll
Can I surpass time or would I start to rust
Depreciating, collecting dust
And I fear myself as I fall away
In a cold deluded sense of fate
When the nightmares come and the doubt sets in
Will the fever break, or will I burn from within?

It's too late to feel, I've lost my breath
With the hands of time around my neck
Am I more than the pen that wrote the past
Or am I just the sand enslaved by the hourglass

Will I live again or will I fade to black?
Dehumanizing when the heart attacks
Will I expire before my dreams unfold?
But if the future's so bright the path should glow

As the walls melt and the light fades
I'm letting quicksand take me
As the walls melt and the light fades
I'm letting quicksand take me

It's too late to feel, I've lost my breath
With the hands of time around my neck
Am I more than the pen that wrote the past
Or am I just the sand enslaved by the hourglass

If you look beyond the blindfold
You'll find the hole in my soul
One fear, one mind
No hope, no time
If you look beyond the blindfold
You'll find the hole
I'm on the edge of my seat
Holding out for a sign
Trying to rewrite the storyline (in my soul)

It's too late to feel, I've lost my breath
With the hands of time around my neck
Am I more than the pen that wrote the past
Or am I just the sand encased in the hourglass
It's too late to feel, I've lost my breath
Hands of time around my neck
Am I just the pen that wrote the past
Or just the sand encased in the hourglass

Fear is not my fate
Fear is not my fate

Lyrics | Motionless in White - Hourglass |
"Lirik Lagu Hourglass"
Penyanyi: Motionless in White
Lagu: Hourglass
Album: Graveyard Shift
Rilis: 2017

Motionless in White - Eternally Yours

Motionless in White - Eternally Yours

| Lirik Lagu | Motionless in White - Eternally Yours |

Blow the bridge to the past
Wipe the fingerprints
Melt your heart encased in wax
Seal it with a kiss

Our fate engraved
Scar enslaved
As we mutually destruct
Repose, my love, I've sinned enough for the both of us

In the name of love...

I'm ready to bury all of my bones
I'm ready to lie but say I won't
So tell me your secrets
And join me in pieces
To rot in this garden made of stones

Eternally yours
Eternally yours

I feed like you taught me and selflessly swallow
We coalesce in darkness, so selfishly hollow
Examine the wreckage
Writhing in tempo
Invisible anguish casting a shadow

And in the name of love...

I'm ready to bury all of my bones
I'm ready to lie but say I won't
So tell me your secrets
And join me in pieces
To rot in this garden made of stones

Eternally yours
Eternally yours

As we rest in pieces, though I know not your name
I would suffer forever to absolve all your pain

And in the name of love...

I'm ready to bury all of my bones
I'm ready to lie but say I won't
So tell me your secrets
And join me in pieces
To rot in this garden made of stones

I'm ready to bleed to make amends
And sleep in this dirt we call our bed
So tell me your secrets
And join me in pieces
To fall and rewrite the bitter end

Eternally yours
Eternally yours
Eternally yours
Eternally yours
Eternally yours

I'm more than willing to rot in hell with you

I'm ready to bury all of my bones
I'm ready to lie but say I won't
So tell me your secrets
And join me in pieces
To rot in this garden made of stones

I'm ready to bleed to make amends
And sleep in this dirt we call our bed
So tell me your secrets
And join me in pieces
To fall and rewrite the bitter end

Eternally yours

Lyrics | Motionless in White - Eternally Yours |
"Lirik Lagu Eternally Yours"
Penyanyi: Motionless in White
Lagu: Eternally Yours
Album: Graveyard Shift
Rilis: 2017
Lana Del Rey - God Save Our Young Blood (Feat. Borns)

Lana Del Rey - God Save Our Young Blood (Feat. Borns)

| Lirik Lagu | Lana Del Rey - God Save Our Young Blood (Feat. Borns) |

Damn, look at the sunrise.
Oh, lihatlah matahari terbit.
Glowing finish line, made it in record time.
Garis sempurna yang bersinar, berhasil dalam waktu singkat.
Hey, baby, we made it.
Hai, sayang, kita berhasil.
My head's faded, headlights dilated.
Kepalaku memudar, lampu-lampu depan (mobil) telah meluas.

Spinnin', spinnin' and I can't sit still.
Berputar, berputar dan aku tidak bisa duduk diam.
Spinnin', spinnin' and we can't sit still.
Berputar, berputar dan kita tidak bisa duduk diam.

Baptized in blue skies.
Dibaptis di langit biru.
Roll the window down, reach out, feel around for new life.
Menurunkan jendela, melihat keluar, merasakan kehidupan baru.
Damn, you and those green eyes.
Oh, kau dan mata hijau itu.
We can never stop movin', we see nothin' but the green lights.
Kita tidak pernah bisa berhenti bergerak, kita tidak melihat apapun kecuali lampu-lampu hijau.

Spinnin', spinnin' and we can't sit still.
Berputar, berputar dan kita tidak bisa duduk diam.
Spinnin', spinnin' and we can't sit still.
Berputar, berputar dan kita tidak bisa duduk diam.

God save, God save our young blood.
Tuhan selamatkan, Tuhan selamatkan darah muda kami.
God save, God save our young love.
Tuhan selamatkan, Tuhan selamatkan cinta muda kami.
Hot pavement, hot pavement, hot wheels in the sun.
Trotoar panas, trotoar panas, roda-roda panas di bawah matahari.
God save our young blood.
Tuhan selamatkan darah muda kami.
God save, God save our young blood.
Tuhan selamatkan, Tuhan selamatkan darah muda kami.
God save, God save our young love.
Tuhan selamatkan, Tuhan selamatkan cinta muda kami.
Warm waves, warm waves, on the coast where we love.
Ombak-ombak panas, ombak-ombak panas, di pantai tempat kami bercinta.
God save our young blood.
Tuhan selamatkan darah muda kami.

Climbed up the tree of life, kicked out of paradise.
Mendaki pohon kehidupan, keluar dari surga.
Living good, doing evil is the toss of the dice.
Menjalaninya dengan baik, melakukan kejahatan adalah lemparan dadu.
Couple of wild eyes, cup full of high life.
Pasangan mata liar, gelas penuh dengan kehidupan yang tinggi.
She's an angel and a devil of her own device.
Dia adalah malaikat dan iblis dari muslihatnya sendiri.

***Borns & Lana Del Rey***
She's got me spinnin' (Spinnin')
Dia membuatku berputar (berputar)
Spinnin' and I can't sit still (You know I can't sit still)
Berputar dan aku tidak bisa duduk diam (kau tau aku tidak bisa duduk diam)
Oh, spinnin', spinnin' and we can't sit still.
Oh, berputar, berputar dan kita tidak bisa duduk diam.

God save, God save our young blood.
Tuhan selamatkan, Tuhan selamatkan darah muda kami.
God save, God save our young love.
Tuhan selamatkan, Tuhan selamatkan cinta muda kami.
Hot pavement, hot pavement, hot wheels in the sun.
Trotoar panas, trotoar panas, roda-roda panas di bawah matahari.
God save our young blood.
Tuhan selamatkan darah muda kami.
God save, God save our young blood.
Tuhan selamatkan, Tuhan selamatkan darah muda kami.
God save, God save our young love.
Tuhan selamatkan, Tuhan selamatkan cinta muda kami.
Warm waves, warm waves, on the coast where we love.
Ombak-ombak panas, ombak-ombak panas, di pantai tempat kami bercinta.
God save our young blood.
Tuhan selamatkan darah muda kami.

***Borns & Lana Del Rey***
God save the ocean, God save the breeze.
Tuhan selamatkan samudra, Tuhan selamatkan angin sepoi-sepoi.
Save the words from my lips, save the birds, save the bees.
Selamatkan kata-kata dari bibirku, selamatkan burung-burung, selamatkan lebah-lebah.
Baby save me one last sip while you strip on the beach.
Sayang, selamatkan aku satu tegukan terakhir sementara kau menelanjangi pantai.
I'll save you in the waves if you swim too deep.
Aku akan menyelamatkan kau dalam ombak-ombak jika kau berenang terlalu dalam.
God save, God save our young blood.
Tuhan selamatkan, Tuhan selamatkan darah muda kami.
God save our young love.
Tuhan selamatkan cinta muda kami.

God save, God save our young blood.
Tuhan selamatkan, Tuhan selamatkan darah muda kami.
God save, God save our young love.
Tuhan selamatkan, Tuhan selamatkan cinta muda kami.
Hot pavement, hot pavement, hot wheels in the sun.
Trotoar panas, trotoar panas, roda-roda panas di bawah matahari.
God save our young blood.
Tuhan selamatkan darah muda kami.
God save, God save our young blood.
Tuhan selamatkan, Tuhan selamatkan darah muda kami.
God save, God save our young love.
Tuhan selamatkan, Tuhan selamatkan cinta muda kami.
Warm waves, warm waves, on the coast where we love.
Ombak-ombak panas, ombak-ombak panas, di pantai tempat kami bercinta.
God save our young blood.
Tuhan selamatkan darah muda kami.

***Borns & Lana Del Rey***
On the coast where we love.
Di pantai tempat kami bercinta.
God save our young blood.
Tuhan selamatkan darah muda kami.
On the coast where we love.
Di pantai tempat kami bercinta.
God save our young blood.
Tuhan selamatkan darah muda kami.

Arti Terjemahan Lagu | Lana Del Rey Feat. Borns - God Save Our Young Blood |
"Lirik Lagu Lana Del Rey - God Save Our Young Blood"
Penyanyi: Borns & Lana Del Rey
Lagu: God Save Our Young Blood
Album: Blue Madonna
Rilis: 2018
Borns - God Save Our Young Blood (Feat. Lana Del Rey)

Borns - God Save Our Young Blood (Feat. Lana Del Rey)

| Lirik Lagu | Borns - God Save Our Young Blood (Feat. Lana Del Rey) |

Damn, look at the sunrise.
Oh, lihatlah matahariterbit.
Glowing finish line, made it in record time.
Garis sempurna yang bersinar, berhasil dalam waktu singkat.
Hey, baby, we made it.
Hai, sayang, kita berhasil.
My head's faded, headlights dilated.
Kepalaku memudar, lampu-lampu depan (mobil) telah meluas.

Spinnin', spinnin' and I can't sit still.
Berputar, berputar dan aku tidak bisa duduk diam.
Spinnin', spinnin' and we can't sit still.
Berputar, berputar dan kita tidak bisa duduk diam.

Baptized in blue skies.
Dibaptis di langit biru.
Roll the window down, reach out, feel around for new life.
Menurunkan jendela, melihat keluar, merasakan kehidupan baru.
Damn, you and those green eyes.
Oh, kau dan mata hijau itu.
We can never stop movin', we see nothin' but the green lights.
Kita tidak pernah bisa berhenti bergerak, kita tidak melihat apapun kecuali lampu-lampu hijau.

Spinnin', spinnin' and we can't sit still.
Berputar, berputar dan kita tidak bisa duduk diam.
Spinnin', spinnin' and we can't sit still.
Berputar, berputar dan kita tidak bisa duduk diam.

God save, God save our young blood.
Tuhan selamatkan, Tuhan selamatkan darah muda kami.
God save, God save our young love.
Tuhan selamatkan, Tuhan selamatkan cinta muda kami.
Hot pavement, hot pavement, hot wheels in the sun.
Trotoar panas, trotoar panas, roda-roda panas di bawah matahari.
God save our young blood.
Tuhan selamatkan darah muda kami.
God save, God save our young blood.
Tuhan selamatkan, Tuhan selamatkan darah muda kami.
God save, God save our young love.
Tuhan selamatkan, Tuhan selamatkan cinta muda kami.
Warm waves, warm waves, on the coast where we love.
Ombak-ombak panas, ombak-ombak panas, di pantai tempat kami bercinta.
God save our young blood.
Tuhan selamatkan darah muda kami.

Climbed up the tree of life, kicked out of paradise.
Mendaki pohon kehidupan, keluar dari surga.
Living good, doing evil is the toss of the dice.
Menjalaninya dengan baik, melakukan kejahatan adalah lemparan dadu.
Couple of wild eyes, cup full of high life.
Pasangan mata liar, gelas penuh dengan kehidupan yang tinggi.
She's an angel and a devil of her own device.
Dia adalah malaikat dan iblis dari muslihatnya sendiri.

***Borns & Lana Del Rey***
She's got me spinnin' (Spinnin')
Dia membuatku berputar (berputar)
Spinnin' and I can't sit still (You know I can't sit still)
Berputar dan aku tidak bisa duduk diam (kau tau aku tidak bisa duduk diam)
Oh, spinnin', spinnin' and we can't sit still.
Oh, berputar, berputar dan kita tidak bisa duduk diam.

God save, God save our young blood.
Tuhan selamatkan, Tuhan selamatkan darah muda kami.
God save, God save our young love.
Tuhan selamatkan, Tuhan selamatkan cinta muda kami.
Hot pavement, hot pavement, hot wheels in the sun.
Trotoar panas, trotoar panas, roda-roda panas di bawah matahari.
God save our young blood.
Tuhan selamatkan darah muda kami.
God save, God save our young blood.
Tuhan selamatkan, Tuhan selamatkan darah muda kami.
God save, God save our young love.
Tuhan selamatkan, Tuhan selamatkan cinta muda kami.
Warm waves, warm waves, on the coast where we love.
Ombak-ombak panas, ombak-ombak panas, di pantai tempat kami bercinta.
God save our young blood.
Tuhan selamatkan darah muda kami.

***Borns & Lana Del Rey***
God save the ocean, God save the breeze.
Tuhan selamatkan samudra, Tuhan selamatkan angin sepoi-sepoi.
Save the words from my lips, save the birds, save the bees.
Selamatkan kata-kata dari bibirku, selamatkan burung-burung, selamatkan lebah-lebah.
Baby save me one last sip while you strip on the beach.
Sayang, selamatkan aku satu tegukan terakhir sementara kau menelanjangi pantai.
I'll save you in the waves if you swim too deep.
Aku akan menyelamatkan kau dalam ombak-ombak jika kau berenang terlalu dalam.
God save, God save our young blood.
Tuhan selamatkan, Tuhan selamatkan darah muda kami.
God save our young love.
Tuhan selamatkan cinta muda kami.

God save, God save our young blood.
Tuhan selamatkan, Tuhan selamatkan darah muda kami.
God save, God save our young love.
Tuhan selamatkan, Tuhan selamatkan cinta muda kami.
Hot pavement, hot pavement, hot wheels in the sun.
Trotoar panas, trotoar panas, roda-roda panas di bawah matahari.
God save our young blood.
Tuhan selamatkan darah muda kami.
God save, God save our young blood.
Tuhan selamatkan, Tuhan selamatkan darah muda kami.
God save, God save our young love.
Tuhan selamatkan, Tuhan selamatkan cinta muda kami.
Warm waves, warm waves, on the coast where we love.
Ombak-ombak panas, ombak-ombak panas, di pantai tempat kami bercinta.
God save our young blood.
Tuhan selamatkan darah muda kami.

***Borns & Lana Del Rey***
On the coast where we love.
Di pantai tempat kami bercinta.
God save our young blood.
Tuhan selamatkan darah muda kami.
On the coast where we love.
Di pantai tempat kami bercinta.
God save our young blood.
Tuhan selamatkan darah muda kami.

Arti Terjemahan Lagu | Borns Feat. Lana Del Rey - God Save Our Young Blood |
"Lirik Lagu Borns - God Save Our Young Blood"
Penyanyi: Borns & Lana Del Rey
Lagu: God Save Our Young Blood
Album: Blue Madonna
Rilis: 2018
Nella Kharisma - Ninja Opo Vespa

Nella Kharisma - Ninja Opo Vespa

| Lirik Lagu | Nella Kharisma - Ninja Opo Vespa |

Tiwas tuku ninja jebule pilih vespa...
Tiwas jatuh cinta ternyata ada yang punya...
Roso tresno kuwi dudu amargo bondo...
Sayang lan gemati ngalahke cacahe rodo...

Sayang rungokno suarane atiku...
Wis kebacut kedanan sliramu...
Senajan akeh lanangan sing nyedaki...
Nanging ati iki wis terkunci...

Bola bali aku di iming imingi bondo...
Dikiro gampang digodo...

Tiwas tuku ninja jebule pilih vespa...
Tiwas jatuh cinta ternyata ada yang punya...
Roso tresno kuwi dudu amargo bondo...
Sayang lan gemati ngalahke cacahe rodo...

Ojo mbok kiro kabeh wong wedok kuwi gampangan...
Mbok gowo mrono mrene koyo kimcil murahan...
Atine menungso ora biso dipeksakke...
Dilakoni kanti pilihane dewe dewe...
Kowe arep ngreyen motor ninja sakkarepmu...
Uripmu njagagke warisan wong tuamu...
Jangan samakan aku seperti yang lainnya...
Senajan gur numpak vespa tetep dicinta...

Bola bali aku di iming imingi bondo...
Dikiro gampang digodo...

Tiwas tuku ninja jebule pilih vespa...
Tiwas jatuh cinta ternyata ada yang punya...
Roso tresno kuwi dudu amargo bondo...
Sayang lan gemati ngalahke cacahe rodo...

Tiwas tuku ninja jebule pilih vespa...
Tiwas jatuh cinta ternyata ada yang punya...
Roso tresno kuwi dudu amargo bondo...
Sayang lan gemati ngalahke cacahe rodo...

Lirik Lagu | Nella Kharisma - Ninja Opo Vespa |
"Lirik Lagu Nella Kharisma - Ninja Opo Vespa"
Penyanyi: Nella Kharisma
Lagu: Ninja Opo Vespa
Rilis: 2017